BRENDA M.Nov 24, 2019Lynnhaven River: Flood Plain & Alluvial Soil MapsFlood Pathways in Virginia Beach, Source: Flood Plains Map, Source: Alluvial Soils Map, Source:...
BRENDA M.Oct 16, 2019Lynnhaven River: DendrologyAt the Fall Festival, the Southern Branch Nursery in Chesapeake, VA had several native trees displayed at their tent. Several of the...
BRENDA M.Oct 15, 2019Fall Festival October 12, 2019 Mount Trashmore Park Virginia Beach, VAThis past weekend, I volunteered with Lynnhaven River NOW at their "Scoop The Poop" table, by helping children make buttons for...
BRENDA M.Oct 1, 2019Lynnhaven River: Flooding & DroughtsVideo Source: VIMS Tidewatch Stations These stations provide data on extratidal water levels along the Chesapeake Bay Watershed...
BRENDA M.Sep 20, 2019Lynnhaven River: Watershed Delineation Location of Lynnhaven River & Its Surrounding Bays
BRENDA M.Sep 18, 2019Lynnhaven River: The Tributary Right Outside My BackdoorThe Lynnhaven River is a tidal tributary located in the City of Virginia Beach, VA that flows into the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. There...