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Delineated Watershed Map

Image Source:

Lynnhaven River Sub-Watersheds Image Source: Lynnhavenrivernow,org

Watersheds of Virginia Beach Image Source:

The Lynnhaven River is a tidal tributary located in the City of Virginia Beach, VA that flows into the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. There are approximately 225,000 people residing in and along the Lynnhaven River watershed. According to many historians, it is believed that English Colonist Adam Thoroughgood, one of the first settlers in what is now known as Virginia Beach, for naming the river after a small town that he lived near in England (Harper, 2010).

Before sailing to American in the 1600s, Thoroughgood lived near a town named King's Lynn, located in Norfolk county, along the southeast coast of England. King's Lynn sits right along a river blow the North Sea, similar to how the Lynnhaven River sits below and near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay (Harper, 2010).

Having grown up in Virginia Beach, along the Lynnhaven River, I have thoroughly enjoyed researching this watershed and I hope that you will enjoy learning about the river's many different aspects as well.

Image Source: Wikipedia


Harper, S. (2010, April 26). What's in a name?: Lynnhaven River in Virginia Beach. Retrieved from

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